Heart Health

HRS Heart & Stroke

Studies estimate that 90 percent of all cardiovascular disease is preventable. Adding regular exercise and healthy eating to your day can have major impacts on the heart.

February is Heart & Stroke month in Canada, encouraging everyone to start making heart-healthy changes.

People are not buildings. We build and rebuild ourselves every day. So, there is never a bad time to start building a better you.

Small changes are not only helpful, but sometimes work better.

Dietary changes can be like a snowball. Start with a small change. Make another. And when it’s time to make another, the next thing you now, you have reached your goals.

  • Fish – Fish is rich with omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower blood pressure. Mackerel, herring and tuna fish are the highest in omega-3.
  • Nuts – Nuts of all kinds can lower LDL cholesterol levels (the “bad” cholesterol). Nuts contain omega-3, fiber and vitamin E. Almonds, cashews and peanuts are the healthiest for your heart, but make sure they aren’t covered in salt, chocolate or sugar.
  • Berries – Like nuts, berries help reduce your body’s “bad” cholesterol levels that can lead to increased chances of heart disease and stroke. Strawberries, blueberries and raspberries help the most.

To help you get started, we have identified some heart-healthy foods to add into your daily diet:

February is Heart Month – a month we dedicate every year to our hearts. Follow along on Twitter and Facebook throughout the month to see what we’ve learned from our researchers and what we’re doing to protect hearts in Canada. What are you doing to keep your heart healthy for #HeartMonth?

 “We are making big strides, but much remains to be done.”

Anne Simard,

Chief Mission and Research Officer, Heart & Stroke

More information about Heart & Stroke

Luene La Fountaine, RHU | President/Owner
phone: 403-236-9430